Sunday, August 21, 2011

Awesome RPG Test for a Character

Your result for The Fantasy RPG Class Test...

The Ninja Master

20% Strength, 8% Bloodlust, 32% Intelligence, 23% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 80% Agility!

By combining their stealth and evasion with powerful elemental magic, Ninja Masters are some of the fiercest warriors. Although they may not be the most physically powerful warriors, their cunningness and spellcasting abilities more than make up for any deficiencies. In fact, Ninja Masters can use their ninja techniques to enhance their strength, thus making them even more powerful and formidable. Their strength truly becomes something to be feared when they enhance it enough to be able to punch through solid stone. In addition, their agility allows them to rapidly unleash powerful blasts of elemental ninja techniques that quickly overwhelm the enemy; however, Ninja Masters more often prefer to stealthily and quietly eliminate their opponents. When faced with armies of warriors, Ninja Masters can increase their own numbers and overwhelm their opponents by sneakily creating elemental clones. It is often difficult to determine whether or not a Ninja Master will walk the path of good or evil, though it is certainly not true that all are evil.

Congratulations on reaching this high class!

You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

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Please check out my other SHORT, ONE QUESTION quiz, The Side of You That's Locked Away Test!

Take The Fantasy RPG Class Test at HelloQuizzy

This is the character that I am according to this test.

Friday, May 30, 2008

About Me

I am a geek and an otaku all the way. I enjoy spending my time playing games with my friends, watching anime, reading manga, skiing, hiking, sledding, and practicing Soo Bahk Do. I'm finishing up my last year of high school and plan on attending college to get a degree in computer science and game design. If I was to describe myself I think easygoing and creative best describe me. Here is an awesome sledding video of me and some friends from school who made an extreme sledding team.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

High School

High School is a huge part of everyone's life and there are many different options to choose from. You can either go to a public, private, or a alternative high school. I chose to go to the alternative high school known as Bridges. This school takes a different approach to teaching it's students. It allows some leverage in the way that the student can learn a subject. This is great for kids that have trouble learning it one way could learn it a way that would actually make sense to them. Not only is this a great part about Bridges High School but it also tries to prepare you for college by giving you opportunities to choose the pace that you work at. This can allow some kids to get ahead by working at a quicker pace on subjects they are very good at to pass the course early. However there is need for some self discipline because if the work is not done promptly the student can fall behind under the workload. I enjoy the way the teachers teach at Bridges and you can always expect the teachers to listen to your problems should they arise because not only are they there to teach, they are there as friends.
Here is the web address of Bridges.

Interesting Poem

Make Not Much of What You're Missing
By Nicholas Gordon

Make not much of what you're missing;
Each gets gifts as they come due.
Rest assured, regarding wishing:
Riches are reserved for you.
Years of want require wanting;
Christmas gives what one receives.
Happiness ought not seem daunting,
Renting space in what one grieves.
In your heart is all you need,
Sustained by giving it away.
Though you burn and break and bleed,
Mere suffering's no place to stay.
As you are is as you will,
Sure of winds that wish you well.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Favorite Quotes

1. "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper its written on."- Samuel Goldwyn
2. "In secrecy is strength. None can oppose one who cannot be found."-Szadek, Lord of Secrets
3. "The first blow is the most important. It often negates the need for a second."-Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran
4. "The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work unless open."-Frank Zappa
5. "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."-Martin Luther King Jr.
6. "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."-Henry David Thoreau
7. "It is born in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching the goal. The tragedy of life lies in having no goal to reach."-Benjamin E. Mays
8. "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish as fools."-Martin Luther King Jr.
9. "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Monday, May 26, 2008


Video games are a great way to relieve stress, especially if they are played with friends. Shooting zombies or dancing in Dance Dance Revolution really helps you lose the stress from school or work by distracting your mind for a while. I enjoy Role Playing Games the most like Fallout 3, or Dragon Age although for the computer I enjoy Real Time Strategy games such as Starcraft and Warcraft. The Final Fantasy series definitely takes the cake for being the best RPG series in my opinion. Playing alone is great but games really shine when you enjoy them with friends sharing in victories and defeats, going against one another or as partners.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy based RPG board game where the players take the place of the people in a story playing as the characters. The players have the option to do anything they could normally do in real life except in a setting other than the present where every action is determined by the roll of a die. The story could be one in space where the people playing are the crew of a ship exploring the galaxy. Or they could be living in a fantasy world where they cast spells, fight monsters, and perform heroic feats. This is a great game that uses the imagination of the players and the storytelling ability of the Dungeon Master who narrates the story using Non-Player Characters and quests. What I like the most about it is the imagination aspect of it. It stimulates the creative side of our brains and also the strategic side when dealing with problems in the story.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Anime and manga

Wikipedia: Anime in English usually refers to a style of animation originating in Japan, heavily influenced by the manga (Japanese comics) style and typically featuring characters with large eyes, big hair and elongated limbs, exaggerated facial expressions, brush-stroked outlines, limited motion and other distinctive features.
I am a huge fan of both anime and manga and spend a lot of free time watching or reading them. I enjoy shows such as Deathnote, Trigun, Excel Saga, and Baccano! which have great characters like Issac and Miria. I have only been to one convention which was Nan Desu Kan which takes place in Denver, CO but I have visited it twice so far and each time has been a fantastic experience. Each year the costumes are awesome and the vendor room is packed with shows and manga of all kinds allowing easy access to a large variety. The part I like most about the con is the AMV's that are submitted each year in a competition to see which one is the best in a certain category. The bad part, at least to me, is the fact that you can't get them some way after seeing a really good one. :(
Manga is the Japanese version of an American comic (unless it's the other way around O.O). These are awesome reads because the art in some of them is absolutely stunning. Berserk, for example, has astounding works of art for each of the scenes capturing very minute details and providing visuals that complement the writing extremely well. The mangas I have enjoyed reading the most are Berserk, Nausicaa, and Hellsing.

Here is a great anime and manga site to track what you have read and watched as well as rate them.myanimelist

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


R.A. Salvatore is definitely the best fantasy author of all time. He is able to create very believable characters that keep you connected to them throughout his books. Even the villains of his book are very "full" characters making you think about them as people. Reading is a huge part of my life. I've always read since i was very little and enjoy fantasy adventure novels the most. Salvatore writes such novels and they are some of the best I've read. His main character for most of his novels is a Dark Elf named Drizzt who is trying to find his place in the world. Despised above ground for his heritage and cast out by his kin for his morals he travels to Icewind Dale to find his place among the theives and outcasts of the nation. The other author that i highly approve of is Robert Jorden the author of the Wheel of Time books. Don't go looking for his books unless you are willing to read 800-1000 page books. Above are some pictures of Drizzt and below are some covers from both authors.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Magic The Gathering

I started playing Magic around 6th grade when a new student came to school and introduced it to us. I've been playing since then and losing most of the time due to me making fun decks rather than good decks. Magic is complicated for beginners but is easier as you go on. The basic deck (Library) is comprised of creatures, sorceries, instants, and lands (Money) which pay for them. Each player starts at 20 life and your goal is to bring them to 0. Many people play Magic and Tournaments are held sometimes locally and nationally. Magic relies a lot on strategy and skill at combining cards to do combos. Here is a great site for Magic. I have recently stopped playing because all the newer editions that have been coming out, such as the new planeswalker cards which add to much of a new element to the game play, are incredibly cheap and totally destroy the essence of what the older players played for.