Thursday, October 18, 2007

Magic The Gathering

I started playing Magic around 6th grade when a new student came to school and introduced it to us. I've been playing since then and losing most of the time due to me making fun decks rather than good decks. Magic is complicated for beginners but is easier as you go on. The basic deck (Library) is comprised of creatures, sorceries, instants, and lands (Money) which pay for them. Each player starts at 20 life and your goal is to bring them to 0. Many people play Magic and Tournaments are held sometimes locally and nationally. Magic relies a lot on strategy and skill at combining cards to do combos. Here is a great site for Magic. I have recently stopped playing because all the newer editions that have been coming out, such as the new planeswalker cards which add to much of a new element to the game play, are incredibly cheap and totally destroy the essence of what the older players played for.

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