Wednesday, October 24, 2007


R.A. Salvatore is definitely the best fantasy author of all time. He is able to create very believable characters that keep you connected to them throughout his books. Even the villains of his book are very "full" characters making you think about them as people. Reading is a huge part of my life. I've always read since i was very little and enjoy fantasy adventure novels the most. Salvatore writes such novels and they are some of the best I've read. His main character for most of his novels is a Dark Elf named Drizzt who is trying to find his place in the world. Despised above ground for his heritage and cast out by his kin for his morals he travels to Icewind Dale to find his place among the theives and outcasts of the nation. The other author that i highly approve of is Robert Jorden the author of the Wheel of Time books. Don't go looking for his books unless you are willing to read 800-1000 page books. Above are some pictures of Drizzt and below are some covers from both authors.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Magic The Gathering

I started playing Magic around 6th grade when a new student came to school and introduced it to us. I've been playing since then and losing most of the time due to me making fun decks rather than good decks. Magic is complicated for beginners but is easier as you go on. The basic deck (Library) is comprised of creatures, sorceries, instants, and lands (Money) which pay for them. Each player starts at 20 life and your goal is to bring them to 0. Many people play Magic and Tournaments are held sometimes locally and nationally. Magic relies a lot on strategy and skill at combining cards to do combos. Here is a great site for Magic. I have recently stopped playing because all the newer editions that have been coming out, such as the new planeswalker cards which add to much of a new element to the game play, are incredibly cheap and totally destroy the essence of what the older players played for.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I like lots of different genres of music ranging from The Beatles to Maximum The Hormone, a Japanese band. Anime music is pretty sweet and I attained the soundtrack from Mininova for Hellsing. I highly dislike Sublime (that's for my friends) heh heh heh....anyways I don't actually like Sublime. Music is also a big part of my life because it helps me get through school because I can listen to some good music on my Ipod while i do my work. Music is a great thing because it is a huge part of our culture and part of our everyday lives.One of my favorite musical artists is Hirasawa Susumu who did the songs below which are both from the movie Paprika.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Which are better, Ninjas, or Pirates?

It has been always debated if ninjas or pirates are better. Ninjas have on their side their cool clothes, infiltration and assassination skills, and their awesome weapons. Pirates have ships bedecked in cannons, bloodthirstiness, and booty. My view on this is that ninjas totally defeat pirates in everything except sea warfare. Ninjas are sweet because they sneak around climbing walls, running along rooftops, climbing grapples, and doing crazy jumping attacks and dodges. They also have sweet weapons like the Kisari-gama, throwing stars, grenades, poisoned caltrops, and recurve bows. They also have the coolest clothes that make no noise, are very easy to move in, and they blend into their surroundings. The greatest ninja ever is Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden. Below are cool pics of ninjas and a kisari-gama.